jueves, 13 de enero de 2011

Diego Arria pocos días después del 4 de febrero de 1992


En marzo de 1992, mientras Venezuela vivía una crisis política sin precedentes, el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas estuvo presidido por Diego Arria.

Recientemente se recuperó una entrevista, que fue realizada al Embajador Arria en ese momento. Es un documento valioso, especialmente si consideramos el momento histórico que vivía Venezuela, y el rol que desempeñaba en ese momento el entrevistado.

¿Qué importancia tiene para Venezuela presidir el Consejo de Seguridad?

¿Qué visión se tiene en el exterior de nuestro país, después de los sucesos del 4 de febrero? ¿Puede Venezuela tener el mismo peso que tenía antes?

Es decir ¿el cambio en la sociedad no iba a la par de los cambios en la economía?

Fragmentos del documento:

¿Qué importancia tiene para Venezuela presidir el Consejo de Seguridad?

¿Qué visión se tiene en el exterior de nuestro país, después de los sucesos del 4 de febrero? ¿Puede Venezuela tener el mismo peso que tenía antes?

Es decir ¿el cambio en la sociedad no iba a la par de los cambios en la economía?

Documento completo aquí.


RAMONMONTILLA : "Llega cemento cubano". Que bolas,ese cemento servira para echarselo a su tumba en 2012!@AlbertoRavell@Diego_Arria@AlbertoRavell@afeolacruz
GustavoAzocarA@eltopomaracay@Diego_Arria Feliz dia para todos! I'm back mi bb ya tiene 3 meses!

RAMONMONTILLA "Piden acompañar a chvz a la presentacion de memoria en la AN".Y es que el "guapeton"no sabe ir solo?pa'eso si no es "arrecho"!@Diego_Arria

rT @Nancynblancoc: RT @Diego_Arria: sin_mordaza ETA se repliega en su colonia de Venezuela, que aloja a 47 etarras - http://t.co/9N2JK99

edgarcricriedgarcricri: @Diego_Arria gracias por todo lo que esta haciendo por nuestro pais Venezuela!...saludos y un abrazo desde Valencia, Carabobo.

milosalcalaymilosalcalay: @quelez Dip oposicion deben agradecer a democratas Paraguayos por exigir q Vzla cumpla Clausula Democratica. @diego_arria esta claro MERCOSR
mlhccsmlhccs: RT @hoffret: Por cierto. No me olvido de la caceria de brujas (estigmatizacion vascos) de @Diego_Arria para sacar provecho politico. Otro irresponsable!

hoffrethoffret: Los q tratan de sacar provecho politico como @Diego_Arria con tema vascos, se estan llenando de descredito xq se esta viendo q es info falsa
1 hour ago from web
marujaberacasamarujaberacasa: RT @Pupeka: SIEMPRE EN MI CORAZON o @provenezuela @raiza_rwc @viejadecrepita ..
@LuisTrincado: Cierto! RT @nitzialvarez: @Diego_Arria pilas que en esa lista hay gente que no tiene nada que ver, cierto @LuisTrincado?
@Diego_Arria "Muchas veces los amigos nos pervierten al adularnos y, en cambio, los enemigos nos corrigen al insultarnos". San Agustín.
4 za_cw: Un llamado de @Diego_Arria al país http://bit.ly/abxN5h


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Diego Arria

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Diego Arria Salicetti (born October 8, 1938 - Agua Blanca, Yaracuy State, Venezuela[1]) is a Venezuelan politician, diplomat, former Venezuelan Permanent Representative of Venezuela to the United Nations (1991–1994) and President of the Security Council (1992–93).[2] He was Governor of the Federal District of Caracas in the mid-1970s. Other positions have included Diplomatic Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and Visiting Scholar at Columbia University.[3] He was said to be one of the "twelve apostles" (a group of powerful men close to the Presidency) of Carlos Andres Perez' first presidency.[4]



[edit] Political career

Arria first came to prominence in the first government of Rafael Caldera (1969–1974), when he was president of the CONAHOTU (National Corporation of Hotels and Tourism) for most of the presidential term. He then resigned to support the successful presidential candidacy of Carlos Andrés Perez (CAP) in 1973. Initially he became Governor of the Federal District (Caracas).[citation needed] In 1976 when he was Governor of the Federal District he went to Chile and asked President Pinochet to release his friend Orlando Letelier; which Pinochet did, but soon after this Letelier was murdered with a car bomb in Washington D.C by Pinochet´s order.[5] He subsequently became, briefly, Minister of Information and Tourism.[6] In 1978 he stood as an independent candidate in the Venezuelan presidential election, 1978 and came 4th with 1.7% of the votes.[7]

[edit] United Nations

Arria was Venezuelan Permanent Representative of Venezuela to the United Nations from 1991 to 1994.[8] Arria later became Special Advisor to Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the UN,[3] He initiated the eponymous 'Arria formula' a very informal consultation process which affords members of the Security Council the opportunity to hear persons in a confidential, informal setting. These meetings are presided over by a member of the Council as service facilitator for the discussion and not by the President of the Council.. He was chairman during the massacres at Srebrenica. After visiting the enclave he warned of its impending doom and predicted the masacres saying it was "slow motion Genocide"and the besieged enclave itself as "a concentration camp policed by UNPROFOR".[9]

[edit] Ranch expropriation

In 2010 Arria's ranch "La Carolina" in Yaracuy State was taken over by the Venezuelan government. Minister of Agriculture Elias Jaua "declared that lawyers and historians working for the National Lands Institute (INTI) ha[d] not been able to find continuity of ownership deeds in the national register and therefore the lands are "fallow" and return to the State".[10] According to government officials the ranch was unproductive and was a case of idle lands; according to Arria, he has one the biggest Jersey cattle livestock in Venezuela.[11] Correo del Orinoco, a state-owned newspaper, reporting their claims that Arria's declarations about expropriation and loot by the Ministry of Agriculture are "subversive and tend to urge the homicide of Hugo Chavez".[12] According to Arria, the expropriation was a reaction to Arria's participation in the Oslo Freedom Forum, where he stated: "Chavez will have to face International Justice one day for his 'crimes' against Venezuelan people".[13]

[edit] Personal life

Married to Maria Eugenia Maury, they have twin daughters together, each has a child from a previous marriage.[14] She is President of Aid for AIDS International, a 501c3 nonprofit organization that recycles HIV/AIDS medication for redistribution in developing countries in Latin America.


  1. ^ Perfil de Diego Arria en un foro sobre agricultura
  2. ^ Presidents (1990-1999) : Security Council (SC) : United Nations (UN)
  3. ^ a b http://europeancourier.org/DiegoArria.htm
  4. ^ Hollis Micheal Tarver Denova and Julia C. Frederick, The history of Venezuela, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2005. p134
  5. ^ www.ideaspublicas.org/2006/09/28/carta-a-los-chilenos/
  6. ^ http://www.hks.harvard.edu/cchrp/initiatives/latin_america/events/2010/month03/venezuela_08.php
  7. ^

    /BMElection%3FcodePays%3DVEN%26dateElection%3DVEN1978123%26codeInstitution%3D" class="external free" rel="nofollow">http://perspective.usherbrooke.ca/bilan/servlet/BMElection%3FcodePays%3DVEN%26dateElection%3DVEN1978123%26codeInstitution%3D
  8. ^ http://www.worldforum.org/Commission-On-Globalisation/leadership/bios/bio_arria.htm
  9. ^ The Biggest Cover-Up in UN History - International Justice - Global Policy Forum
  10. ^ http://www.vheadline.com/readnews.asp?id=91793
  11. ^ [1]
  12. ^ "In spanish Correo del orinoco 2010"
  13. ^ (Spanish), elnuevodiario.com.do, 11 May 2010, "Ex embajador de Venezuela dice Chávez le quitó finca por venganza política"
  14. ^ Datos Genealógicos Página 120 (Páginas de Descendientes)

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